Thursday, April 15, 2010


Welcome to the food allergy survival blog. I hope to continue sharing my experiences from the never boring world of food allergies.

Having to deal with food allergies with my kids tought me a couple of things:

1. Everyday is a gift. You have to accept the fact that one of the basic necessities of life -food - can take away what matters to you the most, your children. All of us have to face the risk of going too soon but having to be worried about your loved ones going into a life threatening allergic shock from an unknown ingredient in a hot dog, well, that's not easy...

2. Humility. With food allergies, you depend on others understanding your situation. Your well-being depends on how others act towards you and as such it is different from most other medical conditions. For example, I have hypothyroidism. My daily well being depends on me taking my meds and I do not have to ask anybody to do anything. With food allergies, you have to ask people questions or sometimes ask them to do something differently, for you. It is not easy to build social relationships when you have to act like a private investigator...

3. I don't rely blindly on mainstream medical opinion anymore. I had to realize that I have to do my own research, search for alternative solutions, ask qustions and even say no to doctors sometimes...

to be continued...

1 comment:

  1. Please get the word out regarding Tree Nut ingredients in Jumba Juice's Sweet Belgian Waffles.

    They look very plain, and at first glance the waffle ingredients are presented without a mention of tree nuts.
    In the fine print you will see tree nuts listed. The workers at the store are not aware of nuts when asked.

    This is how the waffes are presented:
    A Blend Of
    Unbleached Wheat Flour, Sugar, Butter, Water, Margarine, Eggs, Invert Sugar, Yeast, Soy Flour, Salt, Natural Vanilla Extract, Soy Lecithin
    Allergen Information
    Wheat, Tree Nuts, Soy, Eggs, Milk

    Below is the link to the Jumba Juice web site:

    Sweet Belgian Waffle

    Thank you for being a contact for people with tree nut allergies.
